Ductile Iron Pipe Installation (A Comprehensive Guide)
Ductile iron pipes can be used for different purposes. Water mains installation, underground piping, and utility pipeline installation are examples of the application of these pipes.
Ensuring a safe and proper installation is the main factor you must consider. There are a few crucial steps to prepare for ductile iron pipe installation, which you will learn about later in this article. Also, the installation steps differ from one condition to another.
The ductile Iron Pipe installation contains different and similar steps in dry and wet conditions. To ensure the appropriate installation procedure, you can follow pipe installation guidelines and a few more factors, which you will read about. Last but not least, you can take care of some potential issues in the installation process by implementing some solutions. Stay tuned to learn about the whole process of ductile iron pipe installation.
How to Prepare for Ductile Iron Pipe Installation?
There are some key steps to ensuring everything is taken care of for ductile iron pipe installation. Each step is an important part of the procedure. Here are these key steps in order.
Site Preparation
First, you must get the site ready. Clear the area and ensure there is proper space for materials and equipment.
Based on the design specifications such as width, depth, and length, excavate the trench.
Provide a stable bedding material to distribute the load evenly and support the pipe.
Material Handling
Transport and store the ductile iron pipe safely to prevent any kind of damage.
Check the pipes and fittings before the installation to make sure there is no damage or defect.
Layout and Assembly
Assemble the piping system and align the joints.
Safety Measures
Apply safety protocols for personnel and equipment in the workspace.
What Are the Important Steps in Installing Ductile Iron Pipes?
According to Dipra, there are three common methods for ductile iron pipe installation. In the first method, a polyethylene tube is used for the barrel of the pipe. Pieces of polyethylene tube or sheet are separated for the joints. In the second one, each section of the pipe is perfectly wrapped with a flat polyethylene sheet. The last method includes installation steps for two different conditions, which are fully covered in the following context.
DI Installation In Normal Dry Trench Conditions
- Step One: In this method, you must cut a section of polyethylene tube 2 feet longer than the pipe section as the first step. Remove any material that accumulated on the pipe surface during storage. Slip the polyethylene tube around the ductile iron pipe. Then, gather the tube in an accordion shape at its end. Lastly, pull the overhanging end of it until it clears the pipe end.
- Step Two: Make a shallow bell hole at the bottom of the trench where the joint will be. Lower the pipe into the trench and join it with the preceding pipe section.
- Step Three: Move the cable to the point where the bell end of the pipe is. Then, lift the pipe so you can easily slide the tube. Spread the tube over the whole barrel of the pipe.
- Step Four: Make the polyethylene tube overlap by pulling the bunched material from the previous pipe length.
- Step Five: Create an overlap between the secured tube end and the tube end of the new pipe section. Secure the new tube end in place.
- Step Six: To make a snug fit, take up the slack in the tube along the barrel of the pipe. Then, fold the excess polyethylene back over the top of the pipe.
- Step Seven: Secure the fold along the pipe at every 3 feet.
- Step Eight: Adhesive tape can repair any type of damage. If the polyethylene is damaged, you can repair it by using a sheet of polyethylene and sealing the edges with adhesive tape.
- Step Nine: Backfill the trench following the procedure in the AWWA C600 Standard. The backfill must be free of rocks, cinders, nails, or any material that could damage the pipe.
DI Installation In Wet Trench Conditions
Step One
Cut the polyethylene tube to a length of 2 feet longer than the pipe section. Then, slip the tube over the pipe.
Step Two
You need to spread the tube over the whole barrel of the pipe and make sure to push back both ends of the tube until they clear both pipe ends. The tube must be centered on the pipe so it provides a 1-foot overlap at each end.
Step Three
To make a snug fit, take up a slack in the tube. Wrap a piece of tape around the pipe at each end, leaving the ends free to overlap the adjoining sections of the pipe.
Step Four
Lower the pipe into the trench and join the pipe. Be careful not to damage the polyethylene when jointing. Complete the ductile iron pipe installation following steps 4, 5,8, and 9 of installation in dry condition.
How to Ensure A Proper Ductile Iron Pipe Installation?
Referring to PAM, to ensure a proper ductile iron pipe installation, you need to consider some key factors. By following some simple steps, you will ensure a safe and proper installation.
- Follow Design Plans: Adhere to the design specifications you are given or you have planned.
- Check Pipe Condition: Inspect pipes carefully to indicate any possible damage or defect.
- Maintain Safety: Safety is the first factor to implement at every step. Pursue proper safety measurements throughout the whole ductile iron pipe installation process.
- Monitor Installation: Inspect the installation at each step regularly. Check all the alignments and joints for potential issues.
What Are Common Issues During Ductile Iron Pipe Installation?
During ductile iron pipe installation, there are some common obstacles you may face. However, there are solutions for each of these issues to perform a standard installation. Here are some of these issues you could come across.
Improper Bedding
Compacting the bedding poorly can cause different issues. Also, uneven pipe bedding and backfilling will result in pipe misalignment and, eventually, pipe cracking.
Apply proper bedding materials and make sure the compaction is done well.
Faulty Joint Assembly
Incorrect mechanical joint installation will lead to pipe failure. Improper lubrication will also cause leaks and ruin the process.
Use proper lubrication and, more importantly, follow pipe installation guidelines when assembling the joints.
Incorrect Pipe Handling
Improper handling of the pipes or dropping them will cause great damage.
Use trained workers and appropriate lifting machinery and equipment to lift and lower the pipes. Imply proper pipe-laying techniques to ensure a safe process.
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